wrapped christmas gift

6 Ways To Spend Your Money Well This Christmas Season (Gifts Guide)

Christmas is only a few weeks away which blows my mind. Where did the whole year go? Anyway, I know many of your already have at least some of your Christmas shopping figured out but it is never too late to help you make those last few choices for gift items! And if you are from those people who buy all of their presents at the last moment, I think this article will really help!

This year, instead of offering my suggestions on what you should buy, I want to offer 3 Lithuanian brands where you can get some of your Christmas shopping done and by doing so spend your money well – you will get a quality item and support a local women-owned business.

I also have a few ideas that you can borrow that are sustainable and eco-friendly. Do not fall for the trap of buying things no one needs just for the sake of wrapping a present in gift paper. There are things you can get last minute and which can bring joy to the receivers and the planet – again, money well spent!

Local small businesses that you can support

One way to spend your money well this Christmas season is to support local small businesses. I have picked 3 such ones located in Lithuania which I have purchased from this year and the products of which I have truly enjoyed. All of them ship internationally in case you do not live close by. I also invite you to check out local shops and sellers in your area – I am sure that you will be able to find something that you, and the people you care about, will love!

Aniri Design: Handmade Knitted Home Decor

I found Aniri’s products exhibited at a campsite this summer and I fell in love with them right away. Since then I have bought a custom-order handbag and a few Christmas decorations to share with my friends and family this season. All products are beautiful and very well-made. And on top of that, she is also such a nice person – cannot recommend supporting her more!

Aniri’s Etsy store and Instagram account showcase her handmade knitted products. You can find baskets (excellent to hide not-so-pretty flower pots), bags, smaller storage compartments for your cosmetics, rugs and decorations. Currently, she also has great discounts on her Etsy shop!

Hazelberry Skinfood: Handmade Natural Cosmetics (+ special discount code)

I stumbled upon Menns’s cosy store in Vilnius earlier this year and I couldn’t believe I have never been there before. I quickly realised that not only the store is extremely charming but the products are great as well! Hazelberry Skinfood offers a wide range of products for women and men including body and face care, exfoliants, hair products and perfumes. There is also a collection of vegan products. Menns also organizes perfume making workshops so if you are looking for a cosy activity to gather your girlfriends, you should consider it!

I couldn’t leave Menns’s shop empty handed. I bought a solid body lotion bar – it smelled amazingly (even deliciously) and no plastic was involved in the packaging. I still have a little bit left and will replace it once it finishes because it leaves my skin very soft and well-hydrated.

You can check Hazerlberry Skinfood website and follow their Instagram account where you can follow how some of the products are made. You can also get a special 15% discount with the code: Holiday15 – don’t miss out on this opportunity to get great cosmetics and support a local women-owned business!

Bei Secrets: Handmade bead jewellery

Finding Bei Secrets is an example of one of those times when Instagram gives you good account recommendations. I was looking for a gift for someone special and found these beautiful handmade bead necklaces. I contacted the seller for details and got a very fast response. When I received my order I was charmed! The necklace was exactly what I hoped it will be – professionally made and beautiful! I also like that the jewellery pieces are unique – they are created in small batches by colour and season and rarely repeat.

You can find Bei Secrets on Instagram and on Facebook.

Easy sustainable gift ideas

Here are three ideas – easy and not necessary pricy that both useful and sustainable, which is something I think we should prioritize more during our Christmas shopping. Hope the ideas inspire you and if you have your own suggestions that fit this category, share in the comments below!

Your time and skills

In the iconic TV show “Friends” , there is an episode in which Joey, one of the characters, wants to give “coupons for Joey Love” as gifts. While in the series, he does it because he is broke, you can do it – but probably call it something different, because it is actually a nice gift!

We live in a very fast-paced and increasingly online world where it is getting more difficult to spend quality time with your friends. Maybe the idea of making coupons for your uninterrupted time and attention, and to commit to being there when the recipient wants to use them, is one selfless act of kindness. Feel free to adjust this idea to match some skills that you have. You can offer coupons for babysitting hours, homemade dinner, massages, cleaning the fridge and anything else that you can offer!

Tasty snacks and drinks

Christmas nowadays is not what it used to be when I was a kid. Back then, this holiday was an opportunity to eat and drink goodies that were not so affordable or accessible during the rest of the year and to receive one of a kind gifts. I still remember all the fancy chocolate we used to get or receiving my first CD as a gift when I was a teenager. Today we have everything available to us all the time.

If you are not sure what to get someone, I invite you to opt for snacks and drinks, especially for relatives and your grandparents. Instead of being left in a corner of a drawer unused for the next 5 years, these things will be consumed and enjoyed for sure. There are many companies offering gift boxes at this time of year containing nuts, dried fruits, fancy juices or kombucha, handmade chocolates or winter collection coffee and tea. The choice is wide and you can find something for everyone to enjoy!

Reusable and/or eco-friendly products

Shall you decide to go for an actual physical gift, the best thing is to buy something you know the receiver wants or needs. The second best thing is to buy them something reusable and eco-friendly that will not end up being an extra waste in a few months. Examples of such items are reusable water bottles, portable coffee mugs, reusable straws and all kinds of wonderful eco-friendly cosmetics. If you can combine the sustainability aspect with buying from a local business, you are really spending your money well this Christmas!

We made a full circle! We started with examples of local businesses and wrapped up the article with inspiration for reusable and eco-friendly gifts from local businesses. It does not get better than that, really! At least I think it doesn’t. I hope this short gift guide helped you with your decision-making this month, and if it did, share it with others!

Have a great holiday season, everyone! โญ๏ธ

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